Minister of Loneliness in the UK. It’s official. I love it! We can all look at the subject of loneliness and talk about it and help each other. I have been wanting to speak about loneliness but didn’t quite know how to do this. Many people have been asking me about the subject but the word has such a heavy connotation. In 2016 I traveled for 8 months on my own.
There were times that I did not meet anyone and there were times that I had beautiful connections. There were days that the silence was long and painful and other days were full of laughter.
I never knew what kind of a day or week I was going to have. I had to deal with the spontaneity of emotions: Loneliness, aloneness, spiritual, fun and everything else!
I feel that it kept me sane. I loved the idea of being in motion and that the scene in front of me was in constant change. That meant that my brain was taking in something new every few moments. My mind was busy and I did not have any time to feel anything. It was all about the visuals ahead of me.There was something to photograph all the time.
The other thing is that some walks were hilly or on unstable grounds so I needed to pay more attention to where I was stepping. I got lost easily and that was also something that I needed to be more attentive about. Many times I lost mobile connections and I could not check a map. At the end of the day, I was exhausted mentally and physically and ready to rest at the airbnb or rental. I loved these long walks.
All this to say that one way that I dealt with loneliness during my trip was to be extremely busy with what I was doing at the present time or at the moment that I was doing it. This relates closely to all my meditation, yoga, tai chi and “zen” lessons. My walks kept me very entertained.
So now that there is a Minister of Loneliness in the UK, can we just chat normally about loneliness? I hope so!
Do you have a question or a tip? Please write to me. I would love to hear about it.
Marguerite Beaty
Marguerite Beaty, Blogger, Photographer & Artist
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