Solo walks make the ordinary extraordinary
Solo walks are refreshing and have many benefits. They give you time to yourself and allow your thoughts to wander while enjoying the views. A fast pace walk will provide you with the same benefits as a slow pace one- being that you might burn a few more calories at a more rapid pace.
A solo walk is peaceful. Walks are a way to get to know yourself, get lost in thought, and lose your thoughts. A walk will connect you and give you a sense of a place.
I usually listen to a podcast or audiobook during my solo morning walks but, I decided that this walk was about observing and listening to all the sounds on the path.
There were so many things to hear! Birds, faint dog barks throughout the whole walk, people talking and laughing as they passed by me, footsteps crunching the dirt path, and I could also hear cars on some parts of the trail.
My favorite sound came from the gentle movement of the tree leaves- I even sat down for a while just to listen. It was magical!
The path on Trilho das Vinhas had a few choice spots where the tall trees curved inwards, and I could hardly see the sky. The sun rays were coming through branches and created beautiful patterns on the ground. I felt tiny compared to those trees, and I loved the sense of protection that they gave.
I passed by a kennel and figured that all the dog barking came from them. A woman dressed in a bright red parka was trying to train a beautiful German shepherd. I say “trying” because the German shepherd was not getting it- it jumped playfully and was all over the place. I watched them for a bit, and she eventually was able to control the dog, and it finally obeyed her when she ordered it to sit. I moved on up the hill.
I observed the winter colors around me and was surprised to see so many shades of green. The dried branches from the bushes and some trees were grays, light blue, and light browns. I saw a few small patches of grass with gorgeous small yellow flowers.
While I walked and observed, I realized how peaceful and happy I felt. I used to walk a lot more and gradually shortened my walks for no reason. I missed those long walks, and I want them back in my life.
A solo walk is more than just exercise; it’s about the sense of freedom and inner strength. It’s about making your own path that could zig-zag all the way or taking a straight course or the longer scenic one. Don’t listen to anyone who said you took the wrong way and believe in your inner compass. And, while you are at it, ignore others’ judgments! A solo walk is your transcendental experience so, enjoy every minute and do it your way.
Yes! I’m talking about the physical walk and the metaphysical one.
My favorite solo walks were when I traveled around England and Scotland and did many urban and country walks, accompanied by photography and quick sketches. All that helped me connect to the places I was visiting.
I remember a short stay on the Island of Tides, Lindisfarne, where I sat on a bench to rest and enjoyed the rural view of the castle and the brown and white sheep grazing below it. Four different people sat next to me, chatted, and moved on. It was almost as if each person came over to give me a message.
Lindisfarne castle from my favorite bench
One person told me all about their yearly trip to Lindisfarne – they said that it was their sort of pilgrimage- and that the world was not the same if they didn’t come and visit the island for a few days a year. Another person introduced me to Alistair Moffat, who wrote about his walking journey to the island. I bought the book, and I finally feel very excited to read it. I started it right after my walk in the Trilho das Vinhas.
Lindisfarne has another choice bench to watch the sunset, and where I met more interesting people.
The sunset bench on Lindisfarne
A solo walk can turn out to be exceptionally social or meditative. You never know!
This week’s item from my Creative Life Plan was to do a solo walk on a new path. I decided to go on a longer walk than usual, on the Trilho das Vinhas in Cascais. I started at the Cascais market and went to the Pisao de Baixo. It’s a six-kilometer walk (one way) with an excellent path by Cascais river, up a few softish hills, and by lovely private properties in the middle of nowhere. So, my walk was a total of 12 gorgeous kilometers under the sunny winter skies.
My Creative Life Plan is my list of activities and things to do. The list has different things to motivate and inspire me to participate in the world around me in unique ways.
I am a morning walker because it sets the mood for the day: I always come home smiling and feeling light after a brisk walk. I feel ready to tackle my writing and other things when I return with all that energy. My evening walks are shorter, and I use them to shake off the cobwebs.
1. Become an early riser. This did not come naturally to me, and I started slowly. I woke up twenty minutes earlier than usual to go for a walk, and now I wake up an hour earlier than I did a few years ago. But- my winter walks are later in the day when it’s warmer!
2. Wear good walking shoes or sneakers and dress in layers.
3. Earphones and music will immediately change how you feel, but listen to your surroundings during a nature walk.
4. Go on different paths so that you don’t get bored.
5. Take your camera/ phone and a tiny notebook to write and sketch.
6. Prepare a good and healthy breakfast when you return from your walk. A good breakfast will change your day!
Walks are a powerful way to stay healthy physically and mentally. Take different paths to add adventure to your life; go on solo walks for cleansing and group walks for company. Walks will change how you view your life and your surroundings.
Keep walking!
Inspiring Books
To the Island of Tides A journey to Lindisfarne by Alistair Moffat
Marguerite Beaty, Blogger, Photographer & Artist
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