Vibrant color photography is all about the time of the day you shoot – because color is all about light.
Color photography is about shapes, hues, reflections, and more.
Make your photography stand out with a few a these simple tips and tricks.
Week 1: Search for the color red.
This exercise will help you learn how to search for a specific color and frame it so that it has an important place in your photograph.
Photograph scenes that have red. It can be red peppers, a wall, a person walking down the street wearing a red shirt, or a street sign. Focus on that color only.
A red wall.
People on the street.
Street signs, cars, buses and bikes.
Flowers at a park.
A red table or something red on a table.
Tips for searching for the color red assignment:
At the end of the week you will have learned how to search quickly for a colo and how to emphasize it in your photo frames.
Week 2: Photograph with the intent to emphasize more than one color.
These exercises will help you learn how to look at a scene and search for colors so that your image will be more interesting.
Photograph three colors in one scene
Lower your camera to get a better frame of your subject. Make sure to add several colors. Take your time. If the first shot didn’t work out, make another photo.
Step back from your scene and see if you can have the same impact.
Shooting from a distance doesn’t always work but never leave a scene without shooting from different angles, heights and distances.
Photograph indoors
Look for interesting interiors with vibrant colors.
Week 3:
Do the same exercise you did in week one but search for the color blue and on week 4 search for the color green.
At the end of week 4 you will understand how color can make your landscapes, citiscapes and portraits more interesting.
Include architectural photography and look for shadows.
Color doesn’t have to be bright, look for more subdued tones and search for different types of color combinations.
Compare your pictures to your older ones, and you will notice quite a difference! This exercise will help you with your compositions and how to see things differently.
Links for you
More about color and photography
Photographer William Eggleston changed how we photograph in color.
I had private painting classes when I traveled to Edinburgh and learned a lot about color from my teacher!
My art teacher:
Instagram David Schofield
Site David Schofield Art
This article was rewritten and updated on July 2024
Marguerite Beaty, Blogger, Photographer & Artist
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