Spring Flower Challenge!

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I enjoy buying flowers to make arrangements, and I never miss the Cascais market on Wednesdays.

I don’t know the names of flowers, so I make a shopping list according to colors and patterns. I always have a vase with yellow flowers, a mixed-flower arrangement, and a vase that is all about tall flowers and leaves.

When I get to the market, I head straight to the flower stall and spend time trying to imagine what my vases could look like. The salesman always tries to rush me, and I ask him for more browsing time. I ignore my list, and I get lost in all that color and end up purchasing too many flowers. It’s the same every week.

Spring Flower Challenge


I am challenging myself to create simply designed vases this year. I want to think about height, space, pattern, and color. It’s a real challenge for me because my arrangements have been very full and too busy. 


Flowers are an essential part of my life. I make arrangements according to the seasons. When I lived in the Alentejo, I stopped the car to cut flowers by the roads to make fun wildflower arrangements. Sometimes I brought back too many bugs, but that was part of the adventure. I liked those flower-hunting drives.


Flowers make me smile and elevate my mood. I spend time looking at their shapes and colors, and they are my watercolor muses. I always have an arrangement next to my bed to greet me in the morning and admire before sleeping. 

Did you know that your body creates dopamine when you receive flowers as a present? ( link to the article below) I believe that all gifts produce dopamine and, I was delighted to read that searching for wildflowers makes you happy—what a great excuse to stop during my walks and drives.


People have used flowers and their scents for healing purposes for many years. Neroli, the gorgeous little orange blossom, is said to elevate your mood. Lavender is a calming flower and can help with insomnia. The rose scent is said to release dopamine and has a calming effect on your mind and body. I knew someone who always put a little rose oil on her wrists and neck before meditating.

We all have different reactions to colors and, some are more relaxing than others just like scents. Whenever you go to a market to buy flowers, look at all of them and check in with yourself. Which flowers make you feel calm, and which ones have an energetic vibe?  Which colors do you want to look at when you sit at the breakfast table?

Join me in my spring flower arrangement challenge, and please tag your photos on Instagram or Facebook: @50andrising


My older posts about flowers

Flowers by Marguerite Beaty

Inspired by Nature By Marguerite


Get Happy with Flowers!

Why Flowers Make you Happy, Psychology Today

About Flowers and their Benefits

The healing potential of Lavender

The Magical Benefits of Rose Aromatherapy

Marguerite Beaty, Blogger, Photographer & Artist

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