This is an Instagram challenge created by Joanne Hawker. During the month of March people will share stories about their creative businesses, follow prompts and meet new people. I have added her links below.
Don’t let your doubts get in the way of having fun.
I let my doubts creep in one year but put them aside later on.
Last year I wanted to join an Instagram challenge called March Meet the Maker but I felt a little unprepared and didn’t think that my watercolors were worthy. I also did not see myself as a creative maker. I still feel unprepared but decided to join anyways.
Does this feel familiar? Keep reading 🙂
I always tell people to follow their passions and to try new things and here I was hiding under a rock.
I have met so many people who knit, crochet, bake, paint and do so many things but who don’t consider themselves creative. Some of them think that because they have been doing these things for so long there is nothing special about it and there is! Being a maker is very special.
Recently I met a lady who gave up knitting hobby because she felt too alone. I do understand that it’s a lonely hobby and there are knitting and sewing groups around the world but none were near her home. I told her to look for a group online because it’s a great way to share and to feel motivated.
to be around other creatives. I wanted to meet people who went through what I am going through and who have created businesses from their passions.
There are some lovely groups online.
I joined a sourdough group that helped me when I started to bake. My first loaf of bread looked more like a flying saucer.
I was so upset and when I shared the photo of my bread many people wrote me tips for the next loaf and some shared photos of their first bread.
I felt so much better because I was not the only one with a very flat sourdough bread.
Have you joined any online groups or challenges that have helped you?
Which creative groups do you recommend?
Some good Links for you:
Marguerite Beaty, Blogger, Photographer & Artist
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