
Body movement has always been important to me.

I don’t mean extreme sports or any exercise, for that matter, just movement.

I was never good at sports. I swam at school for a while, and that was my solo sport for quite some time.

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My mother took me to my first yoga class when I was around 11. I had an awful time trying to concentrate in school, and she thought it would help. It did. Nowadays, I like slow-paced yoga.

artist photo: Patrick Hendry @worldsbetweenlines,  Unsplash

artist photo: Patrick Hendry @worldsbetweenlines, Unsplash

I started to jog about five years ago. Off and on. My idea was to jog on some days and walk on others. I got the NHS app: From Couch to 5 and reached level 5. I felt great until my knee started to hurt a bit, so I had to slow down. I bought a static bike and started to walk outdoors and bike indoors.

As you see, I try many things. I don’t stop. I just keep evolving and try so many different types of movements. My exercise journey is bumpy, fun and always different.

Pandemic Exercises

In March of this year (2020), I felt good about my body but wanted to get into better shape and change my eating habits.

I found the Joe Wicks Plan with all his great reviews. I tried out his free exercises on Youtube and liked them. I signed up!

Joe Wicks

Joe Wick’s plan is a complete plan for getting into shape. This is not a weight-loss program. The meal plans are designed around the days that you exercise. It is very well thought out. It is all about getting stronger, creating muscles, and slimming down with exercises. They are not interested in your weight-loss. They are interested in your measurements.

Joe Wicks

I had to start the exercises slowly. Some were substituted; others had a few adaptions to protect my knees and lower back from injuries.

Three Tips for Joe Wicks Plan:

1) Remember how old your body is and be very protective of all your body parts!

2) Look at all the video exercises before you start. Only do what you can do. Start slowly.

3) Don’t get overwhelmed with the meal plans and go on their Facebook group to get help to organize your shopping and meal planning. The group is friendly and helpful.

What does your exercise journey look like? Did you find your ideal way to move?


PS I still struggle with my eating habits. 🙂

Links for you

From Couch to 5

Joe Wicks: 90 Day Plan

Yoga with Adrienne on Youtube