Tips for a fun creative business challenge

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Are you a creative person? Do you own a business? March Meet the Maker is here, and you will enjoy this spring challenge.

March Meet the Maker is a fun Instagram challenge that will allow you to meet fellow creatives running a business or starting one. This is a space to share your ideas, get inspired, and connect to other artists and the Instagram world.

Joanne Hawker organizes the yearly challenge, and her daily prompts will get you thinking about your creative business. Share your posts daily and read what others are writing about their businesses.

paintbrushes in a glass of water, watercolor paint box and a red flower near a window

If you are starting your creative business, this is a great motivational tool- you will be in a virtual space among hundreds of other artists who have tried out all sorts of things, and you will learn so much.

Inspiration for your small creative business

Do not look at this as a competition; this is a learning and sharing space. Some artists will be starting, while others will have been in business for years. The group shares similar issues and successes and works towards having a successful creative business.

How the challenge will help you

Use the challenge to think about running your creative business, tweak your goals while learning from others, and let them become your muses.

You can work at your own pace, follow all the rules, post every day, and interact with lots of people -and you can take a break for a few days and then come back to it. You can do things in the background and not post anything. It’s up to you.

The daily challenges help you get out of your comfort zone and onto a fun path.

Are the prompts confusing?

When a prompt doesn’t relate to you or, if you don’t understand it- interpret it in a way that suits you. Check out the helpful suggestions on the site- each prompt has a few choice tips.

Socialize with creatives

The challenge is a great way to connect with like-minded people. Ask questions to seasoned business owners and help out your fellow creatives.

Most people are friendly and very generous about sharing their experiences.

My unique reason to join the challenge

March Meet the Maker is my muse, and it motivates me to search for creative ideas for my practice and sparks my curiosity. The challenge helps me tweak my way of doing things. It’s like having a coach for thirty days.

Do you have a favorite challenge?


*I’m not affiliated with March Meet the Maker.

Main Photo by Jonathan Borba on Unsplash

Marguerite Beaty, Blogger, Photographer & Artist

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